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Interview with Dustin Gent, November

Interview with Dustin Gent, November

Belmont University Leadership Studies Collection


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00:01:14 - Phillipines

Play segment

Partial Transcript: My experiences in the Philippines have greatly shaped who I am today, my world view. Absolutely.

00:01:36 - Florence Crittenton

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Florence Crittenton, that organization is a pretty interesting history. It's been around for over one hundred years, started in New York. There's like 26 in the US and I became the VP of the Knoxville Florence Crittenton nine years ago in March.

00:02:08 - Non-Profit

Play segment

Partial Transcript: It's a non profit that has two residential facilities for children who are in state custody.

00:02:36 - Juvenile Justice

Play segment

Partial Transcript: JJ, Juvenile Justice means the kids have committed crimes, they are gang members. they are violent, they have been in fights, they have stolen property. They have at least one felony.

00:02:50 - Social Services

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Social Services means that they are dependent neglect. That they are victims of circumstances.

00:05:48 - Phillipines II.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: After I was kidnapped and wasn't allowed to be in the Philippines. That caused some trauma and some frustration for me because I felt like I was called to be a career missionary

00:05:59 - Career Missionary

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I felt like I was called to be a career missionary and I told my parents that my goal in life was to work with the very least of those.

00:07:02 - Holston Home

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I got into foster care. I was the director of foster care for Holston Home. They are a nonprofit in Greenville and they have a Knoxville office so I was over their Knoxville office.

00:08:55 - Career Missionary

Play segment

Partial Transcript: God called me in Santiago, Chile to be a missionary, to those who never heard the Gospel.

00:09:05 - International Mission Board

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So I went to the IMB, International Mission Board and basically in 1997 I just asked them what their greatest need was.

00:09:15 - Phillipines III

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I asked them what their greatest need was and it was to be a church planter in Taboo, Philippines.

00:10:10 - Trafficked Kids

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I ended up working with street kids and trafficked kids, probably in three or four months being there.

00:10:36 - Leadership

Play segment

Partial Transcript: F: How would you categorize your leadership style?
G: I would say I am a servant leader.

00:14:41 - Leaders

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So leaders help turn ideas into actions, how do you, as a leader, make ideas happen and through that empower people?

00:15:22 - Trafficking Program

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Like the way we started our trafficking program, in Knoxville. There's not a trafficking program for adolescents in the state of Tennessee, only for adults. So being the one to take realistic small steps, education yourself, going to trainings, purchasing resources, visiting multiple states that have trafficking programs.