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Interview with Ken Spring, November 16, 2017

Interview with Ken Spring, November 16, 2017

Belmont University Leadership Studies Collection


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00:00:21 - Personal biography/background

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Partial Transcript: , I grew up in a strict catholic family, in a small catholic town, where the ideas of um, community and community responsibility were sort of uh, intentionally preached. At church, at home, and with my extended family. Um... and so that idea of uh of education was always big. My parents, my grandparents, none of them graduated college, it was very important though that I went on to graduate from college.

Segment Synopsis: In this section, Spring discusses his life growing up and the factors that led him to where he is today.

Keywords: Neuropa; education; family; mother; school

Subjects: family life; growing up; mission; schooling

00:14:00 - “what cultural identities/experiences are most salient for you?”

Play segment

Partial Transcript: my family is Ukrainian, my mother's side of the family is Ukrainian, um and I think that plays a, it certainly plays a big portion into our holidays, and traditions. I think growing up, in a working-class family, where my father, worked at a factory, and my mother worked at a grocery store, she was a produce manager at the grocery store, my dad worked on the line at the factory, and then he was a member of the union, they both were in the union.

Segment Synopsis: Spring talks about life growing up, and the culture that formed who he is today

Keywords: BMX; Ukrainian; factory; grocery; soccer; sports

Subjects: factory; family; sports; work

00:21:34 - what experiences have most shaped you as a leader?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: My dad started soccer in my hometown, and I remember my dad and Benny Woods and Jan Meril, all sort of getting soccer up and going in our community, uh and the efforts that they did, to uh sort of take in all of these other families where they had no idea what it was, and to introduce them to it.

Keywords: dad; factory; failures; soccer

Subjects: community; father; leadership

00:28:46 - What does leadership mean to you?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: in some ways I think that it means getting out of the way. Getting out of your own way, um allowing other to excel, I mean I think, I think of leaders that I've had in my life, that have either been that of the sort of aggressive hounding type, and sort of focus and nitpick.

Segment Synopsis: Spring talks about what leadership means to him, and what it takes to be a leader.

Keywords: behavior; listening

Subjects: leadership; listening

00:31:48 - how would you characterize your leadership style?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I would say that I am a want to be inclusive, um I pay attention to the details I think details are important. I think that I try to listen, and I think that I try to get out of my own way. Again, I don't know if I'm always successful at that.

Segment Synopsis: Spring explains the importance of listening to those around you, and making sure everyone contributes and no one is left behind.

Keywords: expression; inclusive; reflect

Subjects: ambassador; hiearchy