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Interview with Carolyn White, December 1, 2017

Interview with Carolyn White, December 1, 2017

Belmont University Leadership Studies Collection


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00:01:47 - Making a difference in the business world and how identity plays a part in that

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So really I think for me personally, what I would identify with the most is I’d say my faith, my family are a huge priority in my life, they are the most important things in my life. I’m also about authenticity, being true to who you are, and your person and to not be someone you’re not, that’s important to me.

Segment Synopsis: Carolyn talks about her identity and how that plays a part in her making a difference in the world.

Keywords: Faith; Family; Feminism; Women in business

Subjects: Faith; Family; Feminism; Women in business

00:05:04 - Every job being the most important

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Well, I would say that in every job I’ve ever had I’ve felt like it was the most important job in the world.

Segment Synopsis: Carolyn discusses how she got to where she is today by viewing every job she has had as the most important job.

Keywords: GE; Growth; Hard Work; Job; Leader

Subjects: GE; Growth; Hard Work; Job; Leader

00:06:21 - Leadership Qualities

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Okay so, well what I was going to say is, the other thing I’ve learned and what really shaped me as a leader was my inclusiveness. One of the things that I’ve always done is, I would seek out other people’s opinions and ideas and really engage and get by in on any ideas instead of just doing it on my own. It was more about democracy.

Segment Synopsis: Carolyn talks about her specific qualities that make her a successful leader.

Keywords: Democracy; Engage; Ideas; Inclusiveness; Leader

Subjects: Democracy; Engage; Ideas; Inclusiveness; Leader

00:12:07 - Faith

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I always felt like my best kept secret was my strength that comes from my faith and I say a secret and I’ve mentioned this to you before that in business at GE and in the corporate world, religion is kept very separate. It’s not something that people talk about that often. It’s more of something that’s kept strictly business and so me personally I’ve felt like my faith is where I've pulled my strength.

Segment Synopsis: Carolyn touches on how faith has given her strength in the corporate world.

Keywords: Corporate World; Faith; Religion; Secret; Stength

Subjects: Corporate World; Faith; Religion; Secret; Stength

00:23:03 - Vision and Purpose

Play segment

Partial Transcript: You have to connect ideas and that vision with a purpose, and then what you do is you take action by coming up with a strategy and a plan. You appoint leaders to take on those roles and responsibilities that you want to accomplish, and then you follow up with weekly calls and you strive forward until you meet your goal.

Segment Synopsis: Carolyn emphasizes how connecting a vision with a purpose is crucial in being a leader.

Keywords: Action; Plan; Purpose; Responsibility; Roles; Strategy; Vision

Subjects: Action; Plan; Purpose; Responsibility; Roles; Strategy; Vision

00:31:41 - Integrity, Trust, and Transparency

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Yes, you have to build values. You have to have a set of values for your company on which to operate. And as I mentioned, our slogan is integrity, trust, and transparency. So by having a slogan, which is really a set of your core values as a company, that’s what we live and breathe by and that’s how we function and operate.

Segment Synopsis: Carolyn's discusses her company's slogan, "Integrity, Trust, and Transparency."

Keywords: Company; Core; Operate; Slogan; Values

Subjects: Company; Core; Operate; Slogan; Values