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Interview with Vicki Scott, November 20, 2018

Interview with Vicki Scott, November 20, 2018

Belmont University Leadership Studies Collection


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00:00:22 - What Led you to be a leader in World Servants?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Well, when I was on the missions/ leadership team at church, we were deciding where to go for international missions and um, another church in town was going through the organization of World Servants to go to the Dominican Republic. So, we joined up with them and got involved with World Servants. They are based out of here in the United States and then there is also World Servants based in the Dominican which are kind of one in the same, but we went through that organization and that ministry to get us there to where we were going in the Dominican and used them for several years and continue to use World Servants Dominican now, but that’s how we got involved with them—pick a country to serve in and a ministry that would get us to that country and so the logistics and things to help us get our interpreters and food and things like that. Things that we couldn’t do on our own; this organization helped us to do that

Segment Synopsis: This segment discusses Scott's involvement with the Non-profit, World Servants.

Keywords: Church; Dominican Republic; International Missions; World Servants

Subjects: Christianity; International Missions; Serving; non-profit organization

00:01:38 - Okay! So what experiences as a leader or within World Servants shaped you the most within your leadership?

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Partial Transcript: Well, um, goodness. Well I think just going and being involved in the trips and a willingness to be there and do what needed to be done. I wasn’t necessarily the leader up until the past several years, so just being apart of that and learning and those experiences of being in a foreign country and learning how to work in that culture and doing things like that I guess.

Segment Synopsis: In this segment, Scott discusses her experiences in World Servants that shaped her most as a leader.

Keywords: Leadership; culture; learning

Subjects: Christianity; Foreign country; Leadership; Mission Trips

00:02:42 - So what called you to be a leader in World Servants? Were you called into it or because of a held conviction?

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Partial Transcript: No I was called. I feel that it is a calling from the Lord and I feel that I knew it was something that going to the Dominican or doing international missions was something that’s been on my heart for a long time, so it was definitely a calling that I felt. I didn’t always feel like a leader, but I felt like everything I’ve done up to the point of becoming the leader equipped me to help me to do that. Definitley a calling.

Segment Synopsis: In this question, Scott talks about how the Lord called her to go into missions.

Keywords: Dominican Republic; International Missions; calling

Subjects: Christianity; International Missions

00:03:36 - How have you learned from the obstacles and why kinds of challenges have you faced?

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Partial Transcript: -Well um, I guess just the obstacles are learning to be a leader and learning that when you work with any kind of people, there is going to be obstacles because everybody is not going to do things the way you would do them by yourself if you were the only one involved. So when you work with people, you’ve got to be patient and know that their passions might not be the same as my passion, and even though I’m very passionate about missions and about serving in that country, everybody else doesn’t feel the same as I do, so that could be an obstacle of getting people to go to meetings and planning. Getting them to be on time; getting them to take things seriously. I have to learn to just step back and take a lot of big deep breaths I guess.
-(language barrier as well) Oh yes definitely, I was just thinking about the team itself, but yeah the obstacle is definitely that as well. I’ve been trying to learn Spanish… I’m actually paying for Rosetta Stone and I’m trying, but yes that is an obstacle. But something that can be overcome, especially with the interpreters and people working and trying to communicate in different ways.

Segment Synopsis: In this segment, Scott talks about obstacles she faces and faced throughout her mission work.

Keywords: Dominican Republic; Spanish; leadership; missions

Subjects: Dominican Republic; Missions; Spanish

00:05:21 - What does leadership mean to you personally?

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Partial Transcript: Well, I think it means being obedient to what the Lord’s called me to do because I never considered myself a leader, but had the desire to be one, but never felt equipped for it. Sometimes I feel like I’m like Joshua. He said “O Lord not me!”, but when I felt like the Lord called me to do it and to step up and say “I need to do this and be the leader,” then I knew that the Lord would be with me and promised me that.

Segment Synopsis: This segment talks about what leadership means to Scott.

Keywords: Joshua; Leader; The Lord

Subjects: Bible; Christianity; Leadership; Missions

00:06:10 - Who or what has been your greatest influence? It could be within Dominican. It can be in Tennessee or anywhere.

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Partial Transcript: Well, I have had a lot of encouragers along the way. People telling me that I can do it and sometimes when I think I’m not doing a good job, they’ll encourage me and tell me that I am. There’s a friend of ours in the Dominican, Melony Spence, and she’s an American, but she lives there now and is married to a Dominican, but just watching her— she used to lead our groups when we would go many years ago and just watching her grow and grow in that culture has inspired me watching her leadership skills.

Segment Synopsis: Scott, in this segment, tells the listener who her greatest influence is.

Keywords: Dominican Republic; Encouragement; Tennessee; leader

Subjects: Dominican Republic; Leadership; Missions; World Servants

00:07:05 - leaders help to turn ideas into action and empower others. How do you accomplish this? How do you empower people and get your ideas into action?

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Partial Transcript: That’s hard for me I guess because a lot of the times, I want to do everything myself because I think that if I do it, then it’s going to be done right. Which is not always true, but that is what I think sometimes. I think by letting them take part and me not doing everything. If I can empower you by giving you a job of delegating you, then it’s going to give you a sense of ownership. It’s not just all about me being the owner or the leader. It’s everybody working together, so it empowers them in wanting to do better to be a part of whatever they’re assigned to. I think it’s being a part of a team.

Segment Synopsis: Scott discusses how she empowers others through giving people jobs and ownership.

Keywords: Leadership; delegate; ownership; working together

Subjects: Dominican Republic; International Missions; Leadership; World Servants

00:08:16 - Do you feel it is important to delegate? And if so why? And when or how did you learn to delegate if you did?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Yes, it is very important because otherwise, you do it all yourself as the leader. Then it is just your own show and not everybody else’s or whatever it is you’re working on. So yes, it is important to delegate and I’ve not always been a good delegator for the reasons I said a minute ago. If I just go off and do this because I’ll get it done, I won’t have to worry about somebody not doing it and forgetting about it. But I’ve learned that for them to feel apart of it and to grow themselves and for them to learn to be a leader, then they’ve got to be involved and have a job. So, it is good to delegate and not have everything for yourself to do.

Segment Synopsis: Scott discusses her beliefs on delegating and its importance.

Keywords: Delegate; grow; leader; learn

Subjects: Delegating; Dominican Republic; International Missions; Leadership

00:09:10 - How do you measure success and how do you learn from failure?

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Partial Transcript: Well, I think I’m successful when I feel like I’ve done my best and I’ve put my best into is (my 100%) that I intended to do. So even though it might not turn out the way I’ve wanted it to, as long as I know that I tried and that I did it not by myself, but I let the Lord lead me, then I think I’ve had success I guess. But if I am lacking or forgetting to do stuff and procrastinating, then I’m probably not going to be as successful.

Segment Synopsis: This is part one of her answer abou learning from success and failure.

Keywords: Failure; Lead; success; the Lord

Subjects: Leadership; Missions

00:10:16 - How do you learn from failure? (part 2)

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Partial Transcript: I think just to know what not to do the next time and to learn and grow from it instead of feeling defeated. To not let it defeat you, not let it stop you, and thinking that people aren’t going to go or people aren’t as involved as you are. It’s not always about you, it’s just about their commitment and so that doesn’t always mean that it was always a failure, it just means you’re just human.

Segment Synopsis: Second part of how Scott learns from failure.

Keywords: Human; Learning; defeated; failure

Subjects: Failure; Missions; World Servants

00:11:48 - How would you characterize your leadership style as a whole?

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Partial Transcript: Well, I’m not very forceful as far as you know because I don’t want to come across as being mean or whatever. Especially in the church ministry, it’s hard when you work with people. They’re there because there’s volunteering and doing it and nobody and it’s not like a job so I guess my style is probably a little too relaxed I guess. I need to learn how to be more tactful and that this is what you have to do for us to reach this goal, so that’s where I guess I’m still growing and trying to figure that out.

Segment Synopsis: Scott describes her leadership status in this segment.

Keywords: Church; Ministry; Volunteering; leadership style

Subjects: Leadership; Missions; Style

00:13:05 - So what are two or three action steps you believe are essential to enable others to be successful or to follow the way that you’re trying to lead?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: To be successful in leadership… Well when I was thinking about this earlier, the first thing that comes to my mind is if I’m going to be successful and I want somebody to follow me then I know I can’t be successful if I try to do it myself. That I have to do following what the Lord leads me to do. That’s the only way I’m going to have success is to follow Him. That’s probably not the right answer.

Segment Synopsis: Scott describes action steps that enable others to be successful as well.

Keywords: Action steps; Success; The Lord; lead

Subjects: Christianity; Leadership; Missions

00:14:03 - So, the next question is what advice to you have for building relationships and trust in your organization or in an organization in general?

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Partial Transcript: Building relationships… well I always think about if I’m going to build a relationship with somebody, that I’ve got to… if it’s an individual or people, you’ve got to spend time with them to get to know them, but even that, if it’s an organization or something, I mean I would look at their morals and their ethics and see what they stand for, what their mission statement is, what are they’re goals in their organization and determine if that is something that I want to be involved in. And you’re not going to find that with the individual, but I guess you would an organization to know where these people are coming from like World Servants is a Christian organization, but you still have to look at what they stand for and do they stand for the same things and believe the same things I do, but an individual I think for a relationship, you’ve got to spend time with them and get to know them and to know how to be involved with them. It’s just a matter of time and looking at what their beliefs are I believe.

Segment Synopsis: Scott tells us how we should build relationships with either the individual or the organization. She stresses that we should build relationships in which we carry the same mission statement and interests.

Keywords: Bulding; Relationships; individual; mission statement; organization

Subjects: Christianity; Missions; Relationship-building; World Servants

00:15:36 - What do you want your legacy to be?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Well, my legacy, I feel like I would be a success in my life if people said that when they see me they saw Christ. I mean, that would to me most than anything. My legacy, that I follow and deal with the Lord wants me to do. That I was obedient to his calling on my life, that I would have a good legacy. I would want to leave my kids or whoever knew me or whatever. That’s what they thought of me was Christ when they saw me. That would be good.

Segment Synopsis: In the last segment, Scott talks about her legacy in an emotion ending.

Keywords: Calling; Christ; Legacy; The Lord

Subjects: Christianity; Leadership; Legacy; Missions; World Servants