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Interview with Matt Lingerfelt, November 26, 2018

Interview with Matt Lingerfelt, November 26, 2018

Belmont University Leadership Studies Collection


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00:00:57 - What part of your personal biography or background led you to this position?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "I am the youngest of four boys and all of my brothers work for ChickFilA. I never wanted to work inside of this business, never once wanted to smell like chicken, or work in a fast food restaurant. I had no desire for it. However, it ended up working out differently when I graduated high school."

Segment Synopsis: Matt Lingerfelt explains how he went from never wanting to work inside the business of Chick-Fil-A, to "falling in love" with the industry that does more than sell chicken sandwiches.

Keywords: Job; business; college; community programs; event programing; promotion; restaurant

Subjects: Chick-Fil-A

00:03:25 - What cultural identity / experiences are most salient for you?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "Fortunately, I cannot say that my identity has been challenged in this business. I have been blessed where my beliefs, my values, and my morals, line up with the leaders of the business I am a part of. I will say, the biggest challenge I have been met with has been to think outside of ChickFilA at times,.."

Segment Synopsis: Mr. Lingerfelt acknowledges the similarities between his personal morals and beliefs and Chick-Fil-A's values.

Keywords: challenging your perspective; identity; limiting yourself; morals; values

Subjects: Chick-Fil-A

00:04:16 - What experiences have shaped you the most as a leader?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "The experiences that have shaped me as a leader have honestly been the moments where I have been, in the lack of better term, pushed to lead. I have always been able to help organize people, but it comes with being detailed."

Segment Synopsis: During the interview, Matt Lingerfelt mentions that he thrives when he is pushed towards success. He is not afraid of a challenge and he speaks to the importance of recognizing one's place as a leader.

Keywords: being challenged; detail-oriented; experiences; leadership

00:05:05 - Were you called into leadership or did you seek it because of held convictions?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "A little bit of both, honestly...in the team I am on, I am pushed. It may not be by title that you have leadership, but by the work experience that you bring to the table. I did seek it out. For example..."

Segment Synopsis: Lingerfelt offers his experience in being "pushed" to lead. He explains that his promotion came out of recognizing his role as a leader.

Keywords: challenged; follower; leader; promotion; recognition of place

00:05:50 - How have you learned from obstacles and challenges that you faced?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "Every obstacle you face is a learning experience.Everything, I believe, adds on to your previous experiences for something better and bigger, and so taking what you have learned in the past, whether it was a success or a failure, is some of your biggest learnings."

Segment Synopsis: Mr. Lingerfelt introduces the idea that the experience of obstacles and challenges can better a person because of the learning opportunities that come out of failure.

Keywords: experience; failure; learning opportunities; obstacles

00:06:26 - What does leadership mean to you?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "...having a person who has the ability to express a belief in a mission and have people follow and buy into that mission or the values that they may have...Being able to be a leader in my mind is being able to express yourself in a clear way that allows people to get behind you and support you."

Segment Synopsis: Lingerfelt explains that a leader is someone who can effectively communicate their ideas, so as to, in turn, work alongside others to turn those ideas into action.

Keywords: Truett Cathy; clarity; expression; follower; leadership; mission; support; values

00:07:56 - How would you characterize your leadership style?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "My leadership style comes with the form of enthusiasm and really believing in what I am doing."

Segment Synopsis: Matt Lingerfelt mentions that he prefers to engage with others in an enthusiastic way, but acknowledges that has, and should set, limitations.

Keywords: believing in a mission; enthusiasm; leadership style

00:09:12 - What are your professional strengths and weaknesses?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "Professional strengths would include easy to get along with others, easy to work with, being somewhat detail-oriented, always looking at the details. Although, sometimes being detail-oriented can also be a weakness because being too much in the weed, so to speak, can really keep you from looking at the bigger picture..."

Segment Synopsis: Lingerfelt reflects on his professional strengths and weaknesses and how both play a part in his role as a leader.

Keywords: consideration; detail-oriented; listening to others; patience; professional strengths; professional weaknesses

00:11:04 - What or who has been your greatest influence?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "I do not believe it can be a specific singular person. Rather, it is many people...One thing I always like to share with young people specifically is get to know the generation that is not one, but two generations ahead of you. Get to know the people who have been here for 20, 30, 40, 50 years..."

Segment Synopsis: Matt Lingerfelt elaborates on his opinion that someone's greatest influence is not simply one individual, but a collective group of people with whom work and life is shared with.

Keywords: colleagues; elders; influence; knowledge and experience; respect

00:16:05 - Do you feel it is important to delegate? If so, why? When and how do you delegate?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "Delegating is making sure I have the right people in the right place. Something we use here is having the right people in the right seat on the bus. We want to make sure everyone is doing the role that they are being asked to do..."

Segment Synopsis: Mr. Lingerfelt explains that delegating is a vital tool for ensuring and promoting responsibility. He mentions that delegating is a form of trust and that trust is important to establish.

Keywords: delegating; equipping others; group effort; responsibility; trust

00:18:42 - What do you want your legacy to be?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "I would want my legacy to be known as someone who treated people with honor, dignity, and respect...You can accomplish a lot more when you treat people how they would want to be treated and how they should be treated."

Segment Synopsis: Mr. Lingerfelt explains that the most important thing he could do in life would be to treat others with honor, dignity, and respect simply because every human deserves it.

Keywords: being personal; dignity; honor; impacting others; inspiring others into action; legacy; respect

00:18:44 - How do you learn from failure?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "The biggest things I have ever done in my life have always been learned from a failure in my past...always be willing to accept criticism and constructive feedback. Criticism and feedback and constructive criticism and feedback is never, in my mind, negative. It is always a growing opportunity."

Segment Synopsis: Matt Lingerfelt proposes that it is important to respond to feedback and criticism with a gracious attitude because any advice given to better a person or situation can be an opportunity for growth.

Keywords: criticism; failure; growth; opportunity; willingness

00:31:31 - How do you view vulnerability in relation to leadership?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "Vulnerability is not just about a pain point or about something that you are struggling with, it is also being vulnerable to share your successes...There is a limit that you should have for yourself. Each person has a different limit."

Segment Synopsis: Matt Lingerfelt explains how there the most effective leader recognizes limitations in relation to vulnerability.

Keywords: leadership; recognizing limitations; success; vulnerability; work-related accountability