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Interview with Hal Cato, December 3, 2018

Interview with Hal Cato, December 3, 2018

Belmont University Leadership Studies Collection


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00:00:00 - What is Thistle Farms and Hal Cato's Role as CEO

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Thank you so much for meeting with me today. I guess first to start, describe what Thistle Farms as an organization does and then what you, as CEO of the organization, do specifically.

Segment Synopsis: Hal Cato describes Thistle Farms and what his specific role is as CEO of the company.

Keywords: CEO; Cato, Hal; Nonprofit; Survivors; Thistle Farms; Women's Issues

00:01:16 - Personal Biography/Background that Led to Working at Thistle Farms

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What part of your personal biography or your background led you to this position?

Segment Synopsis: Hal describes his history in both the private and nonprofit sectors of business and how the two intersect in a unique way at Thistle Farms.

Keywords: CEO; Nonprofit; Private

00:02:42 - Experiences that Shaped Hal as a Leader

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What would you say--what experiences have shaped you most as a leader?

Segment Synopsis: Hal describes experiences that shaped him into the leader he is today.

Keywords: Build relationships; Mentors; Vulnerablity; Willingness

00:05:13 - Leadership: Inherent or Learned Trait?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So for you personally, would you say that you were born to lead, it was just always in you, or was it more you learned along the way that this was a position and a role you could see yourself assuming?

Segment Synopsis: Hal answers whether or not he felt born to be a leader or learned how to throughout his life.

Keywords: Leadership; Learned; Passion

00:07:09 - Leadership Style & Criticism for Intuition

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How would you characterize your leadership style?

Segment Synopsis: Hal describes traits of his particular leadership style.

Keywords: Accessible; Approachable; Competitive; Focused; Intuitive

00:09:21 - Obstacles/Challenges

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How have you learned from obstacles and challenges you have faced both in your leadership here at Thistle Farms or in prior leadership roles?

Segment Synopsis: Hal describes the ways he has learned from obstacles and challenges as a leader.

Keywords: Analysis; Benchmark; Challenges; Learning; Obstacles; Reflect

00:10:58 - Delegating as a Leader

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Do you feel as a leader it is important to delegate? And if so, why and specifically when and how? What does that look like here for you at Thistle Farms?

Segment Synopsis: Hal discusses the importance of delegating as a leader.

Keywords: Delegating; Support; Trust

00:12:52 - Professional Strength and Weaknesses

Play segment

Partial Transcript: ...What would you say are your professional strengths and then some weaknesses also that you are able to recognize within yourself?

Segment Synopsis: Hal discusses what he feels are his professional strengths and weaknesses.

Keywords: Building relationships; Encouragement; Focus; Trust

00:15:19 - Empowering Others

Play segment

Partial Transcript: You touched on this: leaders help turn ideas into action and empower others to do so in their own lives. So, Thistle Farms, I know, is a company that is focused on helping women overcome awful situations--you as a leader within your company, how do you encourage and empower those you work with to go through that process of coming up with an idea and turning it into action and making something happen from that?

Segment Synopsis: Hal talks about how he works to empower those he works with.

Keywords: Empowerment

00:16:39 - Action Steps for Success

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What are two or three action steps you believe are essential to enable others to be successful? So if you had to lay out a plan of do this (one, two, three) and you will be successful, what would that one, two, three be?

Segment Synopsis: Hal describes a three step plan as: try, recognize small victories, and do not overwhelm oneself or anyone else.

Keywords: Confidence; Small victories; Try

00:18:46 - Success Versus Failure & Learning from the Latter

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How would you personally say you measure success versus failure?

Segment Synopsis: Hal describes how he measures success versus failure, and also how he recovers and learns from a failure.

Keywords: Failure; Goals; Prepare; Success; Try

00:21:03 - Building Relationships and Trust

Play segment

Partial Transcript: You said a professional strength that you see in yourself is your ability to build relationships and build trust, so what advice do you have for others who hope to be in leadership roles for building relationship and trust within an organization that they may be the leader of?

Segment Synopsis: Hal talks about the ways he has been able to build trust and relationships in his work, and gives advice for other leaders on how to do so.

Keywords: Building Relationships; Personal; Trust; Willingness

00:22:19 - Leadership Means...

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What does--this is a very broad question, but what does leadership mean to you?

Segment Synopsis: Hal describes what he feels being a leader means.

Keywords: Creating; Goals; Inspiring; Together

00:23:04 - Greatest Influences

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I like these types of questions, so who or what has been your greatest influence in your life?

Segment Synopsis: Hal discusses people and situations that have influenced him most in his life and work as a leader.

Keywords: Boss; Grandmother; Mentors; Oasis Center

00:24:32 - Coffee with Whom?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: If you could sit down and have coffee with one historical leader, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Segment Synopsis: Hal describes some leaders he admires and would want to talk to over coffee.

Keywords: Abraham Lincoln; Coffee; Lincoln; Martin Luther King Jr; Social movements

00:26:09 - Social Movements

Play segment

Partial Transcript: With the idea of movements--Thistle Farms is very big in the social aspect of looking at this issue that a lot of women go through and figuring out, "How can we help? What part can we do?" Outside of that, are there any social movements that you are just very passionate about that do not necessarily show up as much in your work here at Thistle Farms, but you very much have thoughts on them and want to see change happen within them?

Segment Synopsis: Hal discusses social movements he is passionate about outside of his work with Thistle Farms.

Keywords: Foster Care; Foster Care System; Help; Immigrants; Immigration; Minors; Social Movements; Thistle Farms

00:28:40 - Legacy

Play segment

Partial Transcript: And I guess my final question: what do you want your legacy to be?

Segment Synopsis: Hal states the legacy he hopes to leave with his life and work as a leader.

Keywords: Caring; Changing Lives; Legacy; Obituary Virtues; Resume Virtues