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Interview with Tiffany Bailey, November 27, 2018

Interview with Tiffany Bailey, November 27, 2018

Belmont University Leadership Studies Collection


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00:00:03 - Introduction & Background

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Partial Transcript: Bailey: My name is Tiffany Bailey, and I work for the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board. And I work with college students at Belmont University.

Bailey: I think, as a college student myself, I became involved in the ministry of Baptist Collegiate Ministries on my college campus. I was really just enlightened to the idea of ministry with college students, and that being such a formative time in my life, really just made me see that that was an option of something to do.... I served throughout college within the Baptist Collegiate Ministries there. And then when I graduated from college, I went on to get a master’s degree.And just continued opportunities just came, and I was just able to keep doing that. And then now, just doors opening and being able to do college ministry full time

00:01:32 - Biggest Influence- Leadership as both Professional & Personal

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Partial Transcript: Bailey:Brian Kelly was my boss when I served on a church staff in Georgia, and he was just a really great leader- somebody that not only taught me about the work load and what we were doing as far as a day in and day out job, but really taught me the “why” behind what we did. But, he was also just a leader in my personal life- somebody that would not only talk about work things, but also talked about family life and just life in general. Just that sort of leader that modeled leadership in every area of life, not just when he was in the office, but outside the office, everyday life kind of stuff.

00:03:09 - Lessons from Job Experience

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Partial Transcript: Bailey:When you’re working those small jobs or you’re doing the things that are mundane, it’s not the dream job. It’s not always fun, but realizing now later in life that those things I did in a job that was just kind of an entry level job, they really prepared me. And, that just really set a foundation for leadership in the future. In jobs that I have now, there are things that I did in my first job right out of college or right out of seminary that really- I use now, and I don’t even have to think about them....Just learning from those experiences, learning from life experiences- it just grows you as a person, but also, I think in a work environment. When you learn how to deal with things in your personal life, it just makes you a better person all around. It makes you a better leader. It gives you more grit- more experience under your belt so that you can relate to other people, which I just think helps you be a better leader.

00:06:37 - "Lead By Example"

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Partial Transcript: Bailey: From a very early age, I remember my mom telling me, “lead by example.” And as I’ve grown, I’ve recognized- you understand, and you learn more- what that really means. I would say that those words really stuck and have really become kind of a banner of what my leadership style is. I don’t want to be a person that asks someone else to do something that I’m not willing to do myself. In some areas of leadership, you need to do that, but I really feel like leading by example is really important. And, there’s an element of genuineness- like I want people to see that I am a genuine person, that I too believe in what I’m doing. And if I believe in it, then somebody else is going to believe in it too. So, I think that’s what my general leadership style is- just leading by example. Work hard. Other people are going to follow that example, and work hard. Be passionate about what you do; other people are going to be passionate about it.

00:10:25 - Building Relationships & Investing in Individuals Personally

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Partial Transcript: Bailey: With the students I work with, we have a job to do. We have tasks and things to complete, but I also want to invest in you personally. And I think that that leadership style, when you invest in people individually, they want to follow along with what you are doing, and that helps develop them as leaders too.

Bailey:I think one of the really key ingredients in building trust is for us as individuals to be incredibly transparent. And I think that’s hard- you have to be vulnerable. But I think if- in my case, I work with a leadership team of five students- those five students will open themselves up to being vulnerable and transparent...If those five people in leadership do that, then the twenty-five, or thirty-five, or fifty people, there then becomes this great sense of trust because those five people were vulnerable enough to like open up about life. And then you’ll see this level of trust that is just kind of a trickle effect. It’s a ripple effect. People see “Oh that person opened up. I can open up.” Then, it just builds this trust that, if people are open and honest, it’s really strong.

00:13:22 - Working Towards your Goal: "Connect"

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Partial Transcript: Bailey: I think just getting students to catch the vision, getting them to see “What’s our goal? What’s our end goal?” and always working towards that. And I think, I think it’s also important to have that like concise and measurable. So, for example, in our organization, I guess our tagline is “Connect.” We are working to connect in community and in Christ.

00:16:16 - Learning from Failure

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Partial Transcript: Bailey: Well, I think like failure is one of your greatest teachers really. When you put a lot of time and effort into something, and then it fails, it hurts. And you don’t want to have that failure feeling again, so there’s a driving force that comes with that. But also, I think that if we were always successful in everything that we did, I don’t think that we would evaluate whether or not there is a better way to do it.

00:20:34 - "Created for Community"

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Partial Transcript: Bailey: I think that the bottom line thing that I would want students to know is that we were created for community. That the world may tell you that you can do life on your own, that you can succeed on your own, and that you don’t need other people. And that you can work your way up a success ladder, but eventually, if you are trying to do that on your own, you’re going to fall. And if you have community, you may fall, but you still have people to be there and help you.

00:22:51 - Leadership is...

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Partial Transcript: Bailey: I would go back to leadership is leading by example. Leadership is constantly learning. It’s not ever feeling like you have arrived as a leader. But always recognizing that there is something more to learn, that there are more people to lead, and not ever thinking that you’re the best at it- you know, staying humble. I think just constantly learning. And also, just really believing in what you do, and being able to create following and passion in those that you are leading.