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Interview with Mickey Rechkemer, November 18, 2019

Interview with Mickey Rechkemer, November 18, 2019

Belmont University Leadership Studies Collection


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00:00:06 - Introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Okay, so what position are you in right now and what organization do you work for?

Segment Synopsis: Who Mickey Rechkemer is and where he works for. He has worked with Achiever's Business Advisors for 7 years now and is the owner.

Keywords: Advising; International Business; Organization; Position

00:00:39 - Working into Present Leadership Roles

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What part of your personal biography or background led you to the position you are in now?

Segment Synopsis: Through previous experiences and having an influential repertoire, Mickey Rechkemer has gotten to the position he is in now.
"Business is something I worked into".

Keywords: Background; Experience; Fortune 500; Relationships

00:01:49 - Our Present Day Culture Lacks the Value of Connections

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What cultural experiences or identities are most salient for you?

Segment Synopsis: Currently culture has a lack of relationships in that people are connected but it is more so a rigorous task to make ends meet.
What does it mean to have a valued connection? How to develop connections that will be valuable for me as well as others.
The relationships that you are constantly making can be of value to you in the future.

Keywords: Connections; Contacts; Cultural

00:05:02 - Shaping Experiences

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What experiences have most shaped you as a leader?

Segment Synopsis: Relationship with Christ is the first and foremost cause for being shaped as a leader. Secondly you cannot be a leader unless you have served first, as in servant leadership. Personal relationships with employees can be formed through these previous experiences which enables the betterment of leadership skills.

Keywords: Experiences; Servant Leader

00:07:07 - Led Into the Role of Leadership

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Were you called into leadership or did you seek it because of held convictions?

Segment Synopsis: Being led into leadership through others seeing something within and knowing that that attribute could be used to grow a business or lead in a situation. Leadership done through the background because of people that look up to you do to your heart and passions that drive you which comes through faith in Christ.

Keywords: Called; Faith; Led; Talent

00:10:40 - Learning in the Midst of Obstacles and Challenges

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How have you learned from obstacles and challenges you have faced?

Segment Synopsis: Challenges are a part of life experience. There is always a way around an obstacle which comes through looking beyond the problem and seeing what more there is in the future.

Keywords: Belief; Challenges; Experience; Future; Life; Obstacles; Rise above

00:13:32 - Personal Meaning of Leadership

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What does leadership mean to you?

Segment Synopsis: Leadership is a responsibility to help others to see what they cannot see and recognize that things can be easier than they initially thought. We must always stand up for ourselves, but from this position we can make things more difficult than they are because we become cautious. People must learn that they must trust and see things that they already know and understand but we sometimes need encouragement in order to know we can move on.

Keywords: Future; Leadership; Meaning; Responsibility; Trust

00:19:04 - Collaborative Leadership Style

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How would you characterize your leadership style?

Segment Synopsis: As an advisor everything that is done is through a collaborative leadership style by being alongside business owners in order to talk through situations where the action is left up to the individual.

Keywords: Advising; Advisor; Collaborative; Leadership; Style

00:20:53 - Influences as a Leader

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Who or what has been your greatest influence?

Segment Synopsis: Influence from father which taught the value of not backing yourself into a corner but always looking for additional choices to be made.

Keywords: Choices; Influences; Leader; Word of God

00:24:11 - Empowering Others Through Collaboration

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Leaders help to turn ideas into action and empower others, how do you accomplish this or how have you accomplished this?

Segment Synopsis: Finding out what people are good at and recognizing their strengths in order to work towards a common goal, but as a leader you must be collaborative in your style in order to spur motivation.

Keywords: Benefits; Motivate; Team

00:27:42 - Delegation Must Occur Always as a Leader

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How or when do you delegate?

Segment Synopsis: Delegation comes at every opportunity as a leader. There are different reasons why people are chosen as the leader whether because they are there or because they have constituents which are enabled to follow after them.

Keywords: Delegate; Leader

00:29:10 - The Measurement of Success

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How do you measure success?

Segment Synopsis: Success is measured by the accomplishment of something such as a project. A milestone success is a longer process but you must recognize each small goal achieved in order to see the overall goal accomplished. Success occurs when everyone wins.

Keywords: Goals; Measure; Milestone; Success; Wins

00:30:15 - What Can Be Learned From Failure

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So in correlation with that question: how do you learn from failure?

Segment Synopsis: First it must be recognized that everyone fails, and it takes many failures to achieve success. Success does not occur overnight and we can see that represented in many leaders before us, but we must learn from our mistakes in order to move on. Failure teaches us to not give up.

Keywords: Control; Failure; Learn; Participant; Vision

00:33:34 - Action Steps and Mindset Which Enables Success

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What are two or three action steps that you believe are essential to enable others to be successful?

Segment Synopsis: To begin the difference between an action and a dream must be taken into account. It is important to have a vision and then to take action. Another step is to begin with the end in mind. Then the Achievers Business Advisors' way of looking at things was discussed.

Keywords: Action; Action Oriented; Action steps; Dream; Vision

00:38:26 - Relationships within Leadership and Organizations Must be Built on Trust

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What advice do you have for building relationships and trust in an organization?

Segment Synopsis: We must be honest and true to ourselves as well as honest as an individual in order for others to trust you. Leadership can be done in a demanding indirect manner but it does not build the same trust that comes with the recognition of other individuals in order to make them feel valued.

Keywords: Honesty; Recognition; Relationships; Trust; Value

00:41:09 - Legacy and Closing

Play segment

Partial Transcript: This is the final question, what do you want your legacy to be?

Segment Synopsis: Godly, true, and servant is the legacy desired to be left.

Keywords: Godly; Legacy; Servant; True