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Interview with Douglas Crews, November 20, 2019

Interview with Douglas Crews, November 20, 2019

Belmont University Leadership Studies Collection


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00:00:24 - Who Are You and How Did You Get Into The Profession?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So kind of my first question is just could you start by explaining a little bit about who you are, and kind of how you got into this profession of social work?

Segment Synopsis: Introducing the conversation by asking Dr. Doug Crews about himself and his introduction into the profession of social work.

00:01:57 - The Unique Populations

Play segment

Partial Transcript: D C: So that’s why I got here.

H M: That’s really interesting. What is some of the unique populations that you worked with along the journey that are notable.

Segment Synopsis: Asking Dr. Doug Crews about the specific populations he worked with during his intervening years while he was partaking in various program building and therapeutic work.

00:04:21 - Characteristics of Leadership

Play segment

Partial Transcript: That’s really interesting. As you worked with those populations and as you continue to, kind of, mold and just adapt to whatever like life circumstances you had or wherever God felt like He needed to put you, how do you think that you had leadership or showed characteristics of leadership in those moments? Whether it be, because of, you know, the people you were working with or yourself.

Segment Synopsis: Follow up question about the populations Dr. Crews has worked with, asking him specifically about leadership qualities and characteristics he feels like he exuded in those moments.

00:07:03 - Adapting to Gifts and Talents

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Do you feel like that, specific style of leadership, of like empowering people more so than like being overtop of them, is that something that you feel like you were called into, or is that you, kind of, like adapting to your gifts that you think you have, that your talents, or is that something that you think like everybody should kind of have in leadership?

Segment Synopsis: Asking Dr. Crews about his specific style of leadership and questioning whether or not he believes it's something he was called into, or something he feels every leader should possess.

00:10:27 - Empowerment Through Self-Determination

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I’m totally going to be somebody that’s going to be empowering other people to be leaders in others way that I am not. And what do you feel like are ways that you, kind of, do that? Ways that you like empower those specific people, while still giving them, you know, the self-determination, which social work holds so, so close.

Segment Synopsis: Wondering how Dr. Crews balances empowering individuals, while also ensuring they are maintaining the value of self-determination.

00:13:28 - Are There Qualities Every Leader Should Have?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: D C: Yeah, so I think those are things I bring to the table. Some unique qualities that many people would say, after spending time with me, professional and personally like, you make me feel like my best self.
H M: Yeah
D C: You made me feel like who I am is seen and heard and that gives them confidence.
H M: Exactly, yeah.
D C: So, I think that’s one of my main gifts that I bring to the table

H M: I would agree. Are those qualities that you think every leader should have in some way? Or do you think that that’s kind of job dependent or dependent on the population you work with?

Segment Synopsis: After Dr. Crews made a statement about his talents and ability to remain authentic, he was asked whether or not he believes those qualities are something every leader should have or if they are dependent on external factors.

00:17:00 - Message To Your Past Self

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What would you say, cause we kind of talked about the journey of becoming a leader, and how you had your bumps in the road in, kind of, figuring out what your skill sets were. What would you say to, your students, or me, or even like your younger self about how they can come to terms with their qualities or how they can be a leader in what their doing?

Segment Synopsis: Asking Dr. Crews what he would say to his past self, if he got the opportunity, or what he would say to his students, in order to help them along their journey of finding their own specific leadership style, talents, and gifts.

00:24:39 - What Do You Want Your Legacy To Be?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: The last question that was on the list I thought was so, interesting. But also just such a daunting question it was, what do you want your legacy to be? And I thought that was so interesting, and it was making me think about it because I was like, even as a junior in college, what do I want my legacy to be? Or what is my legacy as of right now that people would remember me by? So not even necessarily like, what is your legacy, but what do you feel like is something that you want people to be like, Doug Crews did that the best, that was what he did that I’ve never seen anybody else be able do something like that.

Segment Synopsis: The last question of the interview, asking Dr. Crews about his legacy, and how he wants individuals to remember the name, Dr. Doug Crews.

00:28:47 - You Are, and That Is Great.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: D C: But I think if I try and take my ego out a little bit and put my heart in there, I hope people know that I really like them.
H M: Yeah.
D C: I hope they feel, like someone at least at some point in their life said you are, you are. And that is great.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Crews speaking about his lasting impact, and what he wants people to remember him for. Letting every individual he comes across know that he likes them for who they are, as they are.