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Interview with Elizabeth Langgle-Martin, November 14, 2019

Interview with Elizabeth Langgle-Martin, November 14, 2019

Belmont University Leadership Studies Collection


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00:00:00 - Introduction and Food Justice

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Alright, I am here with Elizabeth Langgle-Martin, the Community Engagement Manager for the Nashville Food Project. My name is Claire Miller and we will be doing an interview about her leadership role.

Segment Synopsis: This segment gives an overview of Elizabeth's professional education and carreer. Cultural identities of Elizabeth and the people that she is serving are discussed as well. The experiences that shaped her as a leader were discussed, as well as why she chose to work within the food injustice realm.

Keywords: Nashville Food Project; cultural identities; shaping leadership

00:06:29 - Leadership

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How have you learned from different obstacles and challenges you have faced as someone in leadership?

Segment Synopsis: Elizabeth discusses the important roles that leaders must possess; one of the most important being vulnerability. Elizabeth believes that she is a servant leader. The interviewees personal strengths and weaknesses were dicussed. She talked about how her strengths were in the realm of communication where as her weaknesses were in the realm of effectivness of her systems.

Keywords: communication; delegate; listening; obstacles; servant leader; vulnerability

00:15:07 - Taking action

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Do you think you are more of a big picture person or the day to day, step by step process?

Segment Synopsis: Elizabeth discussed her work coordinating with volunteers.

Keywords: action; important decisions; volunteers

00:19:04 - Success and Faliure

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How do you personally measure success?

Segment Synopsis: Elizabeth discussed learning from failure through the circle process, which is a process of dealing with difficult situations within an organization. She additionally talked about the importance of directing others toward success.

Keywords: circle process; faliure; nonprofits; success

00:23:26 - Greatest influences

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Who would you say has been one of your greatest influences?

Segment Synopsis: Elizabeths friend Ron, was named her greatest influencer. This man inspired her because of his great compassion despite all of the stuggles that he faced in life. She also discussed how she does not directly get to interact with the people that she is providing meals for becuase she partners with other nonprofits directly.

Keywords: influences; nonprofits

00:29:09 - Advice

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What advice would you give to someone going into a leadership position for the first time or a college student rising into leadership?

Segment Synopsis: She instructed those who are entering positions of leadership to enter with a posture of learning and listening. The Nashville Food Project constantly educates its staff by inviting speakers or coworkers to openly talk about different social issues. It was discussed that the greatest barrier to the Nashville Food Project is the different definitions of success diffused throughout the organization. She talked about her calling to serve her community faithfully by providing a source of healthy food

Keywords: barrier; building trust; education; high quality food; posture of learning

00:39:23 - Legacy and Closing

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Finally, what do your legacy to be?

Segment Synopsis: Elizabeth desires for her legacy to be bigger than herself. She hopes that the world is a better place after she leaves it. She additionally hopes that her family feels loved and supported by her in whatever her family members are called to do with their life.

Keywords: piece in the puzzle