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Interview of Vic Trautwein, October 21, 2020

Interview of Vic Trautwein, October 21, 2020

Belmont University Leadership Studies Collection
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00:00:23 - Vic Trautwein introduces himself and Kids Alive.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Kids Alive is a non-denominational Christian nonprofit that rescues kids at risk. We generally run orphanages that we call residential programs, schools, or care centers. We operate in 12 countries. My role I'm the co-country director for Kids Alive in the Dominican Republic where we run three residential programs and seven schools and serve about 2,200 kids that come from just really hard places.

00:02:04 - Vic Trautwein explains his role at Kids Alive.

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Partial Transcript: What was your position then how is it changed over the years?

00:03:29 - Vic Trautwein explains his leadership style.

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Partial Transcript: I think other people would say that my leadership style is more like a servant leader. I think of my job is to help other people do their jobs well more than it is to do a lot.

00:04:33 - Vic Trautwein talks about experiences that shaped him as a leader.

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Partial Transcript: I think a number of things that the... all the way back to like playing a lot of sports in youth. I played on a lot of teams and I always preferred team sports than individual sports and I kind of realized that the pretty early on that the successive team had a lot more to do with good teamwork and people playing the roles than it did with individuals skills at times.

00:06:19 - Vic Trautwein discusses challenges he has faced in the DR.

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Partial Transcript: Yeah a lot of our obstacles are outside our organization. That's... there's... It's just a hard place. There's a broken education system in the public schools. There's a broken medical system that doesn't help the poor. There's a lot of poor treatment of people of particularly Haitians in this society.

00:09:10 - Vic Trautwein speaks about the staff and volunteers at Kids Alive in the DR.

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Partial Transcript: We have about… we have many more volunteers. Well not right now because of Covid but in a normal year will have about 40 teams that come down that come for about a week. And the 20 North Americans are really missionary like us and certain Kids Alive Staff. The bulk of our workers on the 300 Dominican nationals that there are teachers… can play roles that might be an English teacher or work with child sponsor or host a team.

00:10:33 - VIc Trautwein explains his professional strengths.

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Partial Transcript: Um… Well I think probably the thing that has um… that is going pretty well for us is I have a positive outlook on most things and I and I think a lot about vision and mission and I'm pretty focused that way. So that's helped us recruit people.

00:12:24 - Vic Trautwein expresses his hopes for the kids that go through the organization.

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Partial Transcript: What is your hope for children that go into the schools and are growing up in Kids Alive like what is your hope for them in the future?
Yeah, that's easy. We bring in kids that are 3 and 4 years old and they come in from horrific situations usually. They're usually hungry. They have broken families like a teenage single mom.

00:14:40 - Vic Trautwein Speaks about God's calling for him and his family.

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Partial Transcript: Yeah, um, you know I think that yes that’s very true we stay because we feel it's where God wants us to be, but we came because we thought God wanted us to come here and it's just hasn't changed. And the lesson from that is I think that our plans aren’t necessarily God's plans and his plans are better than ours so what I envisioned for my life when I was 18 is way different than what it is.

00:18:46 - Vic Trautwein says who his greatest influences are.

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Partial Transcript: I mean this may not be very exciting answer for you but probably my mom and dad. My mom taught me, she was super humble but just taught me about selfless love.

00:20:00 - Vic Trautwein talks about how he got into leadership positions in his life.

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Partial Transcript: I don’t really, I just think we are all cogs in God’s giant wheel and sometimes you get to lead and other times you’re a role player and I’ve been both. And I’m not sure one’s really more important or better than another.

00:22:30 - Vic Trautwein speaks about how he delegates and get's people into the right positions.

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Partial Transcript: What are some ways that you just kind of bring other people into those leadership positions and how do you delegate?

00:24:52 - Vic Trautwein explains how they measure successes and failures at Kids Alive in the DR.

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Partial Transcript: Yeah, that’s a really good question too and it's actually becomes more and more important because you you can believe you're doing something well but unless you can measure it against something it's hard to know. So something like a company its a lot of managers like to have a bottom line they like to know how much money they make because they're being measured and that it's an easy for that is very tangible. But with what we do we’ve actually figured out some things that actually give us a pretty good idea.

00:27:14 - Vic Trautwein expresses his dream for the future in Kids Alive and the DR.

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Partial Transcript: What would be like your dream goal for the future for the area that you're working with, for Kids Alive, for the DR?

00:31:21 - Vic Trautwein talks about what he wants his legacy to be.

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Partial Transcript: So in a way the best legacy would be to become smaller in a sense like it doesn't depend on us it's all about God when it's our time to be somewhere else practically nobody really notices you know so because it's things are just continue to flourish and we were privileged to be a part of it for a while.

00:32:58 - Vic Trautwein gives advice to those who have a passion to help others.

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Partial Transcript: I think the what's most important is to do what God wants and that doesn't necessarily mean everybody should pick up and go to the developing world and help kids that it's kind of romantic anyway I guess but you shouldn't do that if that's not what God wants.

00:35:43 - Vic Trautwein talks about his first reactions in the Dominican Republic.

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Partial Transcript: About about six months, well actually less than that. A few months into when we got the DR the only people we knew told us they were leaving and there was a kind of a a big blowup internally in the organization and we were like “Oh, what’s going to happen now?”

00:38:31 - Vic Trautwein speaks about the future of his role in Kids Alive.

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Partial Transcript: But really our jobs change every year to the point that there's less day to day and more longer-term things to the point that at some point I think we'll be able to just step out.