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Interview of Sarah Worley, November 5, 2020

Interview of Sarah Worley, November 5, 2020

Belmont University Leadership Studies Collection
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00:00:34 - Introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: For anyone who's watching this, for some background, you are Sarah Worley or I call you Professor Worley because you are the teacher in one of my classes. You are a current professor at Belmont and you are the owner Nashville's famous restaurant Biscuit Love and several other businesses.

Keywords: Belmont; Business Owner; Nashville; Restaurant

00:01:10 - Brief Summary of Sarah's Life Story

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Partial Transcript: Yeah, Um I originally entered school like a million years ago in 1998 to study accounting. Three years into that program I realized that I was like very not committed to being in school and got offered a really good job with a medical billing company here in Nashville.

Keywords: Accounting; Belmont; College; School

00:05:20 - What part of Sarah's personal experience is the most important to her

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Partial Transcript: Yeah, yeah, I think that decision in sort of 2000/2008 where I just sort of needed to have this life disruption. I think it has been like a really defining moment for the rest of my life. You know those 12/13 years ago, but the reality is -is I think so many people follow the path that they think they're supposed to follow you know?

Keywords: College; Decisions; Education; Path

00:07:13 - Sarah's Cultural Identity, Privilege, The Election, Where Am I Giving?

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Partial Transcript: So, when I think about cultural identity in sort of like how it's impacted me and sort of has moved through my life and how I've moved through my life, I think sort of the biggest marker for me is privilege and like recognizing privilege. I think I wasn't very good as a young person recognizing the privilege that I had been given because of my cultural identity and because I had grown up a white and with educated parents.

Keywords: Election; Identity; Privilege; Reflection

00:11:48 - The experiences that shaped Sarah as a leader

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Partial Transcript: Whew! Lots of mistakes. It was interesting, I was reading something the other day and it was talking about you know I've read all these leadership books and the one thing they all have in common is that it's typically leader’s mistakes that most define them. I think you know that is a perfect example of is it's like you go in with really great intentions and you're like “Whoa I was like so far off of what the actual needs of my community were” you know?

Keywords: Community; Leadership; Mistakes

00:14:31 - Was Sarah Born a Leader or Became a Leader?

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Partial Transcript: Yeah no, this is that are leaders born or made question. I think that's a chicken or an egg question. I think, my mom jokes all the time that I've been a leader since I was two years old when my sister was born. She's like you've been bossing people around since then. I think you know I think leadership is a really interesting thing because I don't think it's necessarily tied to title or position.

Keywords: Leadership; Opportunity; Position

00:16:38 - How Sarah learned from her obstacles in life

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Partial Transcript: Man, so like I think the first key is vulnerability right? It's being able to even like recognize or acknowledge that there is an obstacle you know because I think for so many people are like have a really hard time like owning only when things are going wrong. I think you know the ability to acknowledge that first is probably the first step. My gosh obstacles and challenges happen all the time.

Keywords: Challenges; Obstacles; Recognition; Vulnerability

00:19:05 - What leadership means to Sarah

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Partial Transcript: So, I think leadership probably for me means you know taking a group of people towards an end goal. I try to remind myself and I try to remind the leaders around me often that really good leaders are just as capable as of leading people to the right place as they are to the wrong place you know?

Keywords: Good; Leadership; Strength; Weaknesses

00:24:07 - Sarah's Strengths and Weaknesses

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Partial Transcript: Whew. I am not afraid to have tough conversations. Um you know and I think I've learned and honed the ability to do that with grace and mercy and compassion um which I wouldn't say I was always really good. I definitely think that's something that I've learned and practiced a lot. I think that I'm able to create very clear vision to define where we're going.

Keywords: Compassion; Empowering; Vision; Vulnerable

00:29:09 - Sarah's Biggest Influences

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Partial Transcript: Well, my faith for sure. Um you know I also think I've taken bits and pieces from lots of different places you know. There were professors at Belmont (University) that were huge influences on the course that I took. There's authors and you know books I've read that have become huge influences you know like probably like my face would probably be #1. #2 would probably be my mom you know. She was- I don't think my mom would have ever considered herself like a leader or in a leadership position if that makes sense you know.

Keywords: Belmont; Faith; Leadership; Mother

00:34:58 - Delegating in Sarah's Professional and Personal Life

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Partial Transcript: Absolutely. I could not get anything done if I did not. Yeah, I mean like I don't know- I don't even know how anyone thinks that so my sort of idea of delegation is number one hire your weaknesses. The best leaders are always going to hire the things that they're the worst at. You know if you're really bad at accounting the first thing you want to do is hire good accountant. If you're really good at people you want to hire someone who's doing the people stuff you know. So, hire your weaknesses, but then delegate and trust those people will to do what their jobs are.

Keywords: Delegate; Depend; Hire; Weaknesses

00:38:34 - Measuring Sarah's Success

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Partial Transcript: Well, you know that is complicated. I think it depends. I think you know this is going to be like my great ratio answer, it depends. You know it really does depend though because it depends in different seasons, it depends in different stages of a business or life or whatever. I think attitudes and the feelings of the people around a leader or probably the biggest indicator of how a leader is doing at leading.

Keywords: Business; Depends; Measure; Success

00:45:24 - Sarah's leadership during a Pandemic

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Partial Transcript: I think I've had like this single most difficult and most challenging year as a leader of my life. Yeah, for sure I think being prepared for the pivot is new vocabulary for me. Um you know I think we've been so fortunate at Biscuit Love to have a business that has just been blessed and I think, and we still are you know. I don't think we've ever stopped evolving. But like really being prepared to do a full-on pivot with your business, I think it's not something that most people were there for.

Keywords: Biscuit Love; Covid-19; Leadership; Pandemic

00:55:26 - Sarah's Advice

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Partial Transcript: Ahaha a lot they'll say things like this. They'll say “you know like I'm dying to do like I want to open a food truck” that's a really good example because you know there's a lot of misunderstanding about what a food truck looks like. But my answer to them is always like “Do you love it?” because I think if you don't love it when it's going well, you're never going to love it when it's going bad. I would love like the answer to be like pick yourself up by the bootstraps and like it's going to be great but like the reality is if your heart isn't in it, then you just need to walk away from it you know because that flows through the entire organization right you know. It's that it's that idea of like the belief cycle

Keywords: Advice; Belief; Heart; Passion

00:59:57 - Sarah's Legacy

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Partial Transcript: 100 percent, 100 percent, yeah. I think, you know, I think. I don't think there's anything I do in this world be it my business or my teaching or my parenting or being a spouse where I'm not constantly thinking about what the story is it's left behind. What impact did I make? What change did I make in someone's life or experience? I think that's the very definition of what legacy is, what you leave behind.

Keywords: Behind; Experience; Faith; Legacy; Life

01:03:32 - Outro

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Partial Transcript: Mhm well, that's all the questions I have actually.

Keywords: Conversation; Helpful; Inspiration; Questions; Thank you