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Interview of Patricia Cross, November 2, 2020

Interview of Patricia Cross, November 2, 2020

Belmont University Leadership Studies Collection
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00:00:44 - Patricia Cross describes her background in dance education.

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Partial Transcript: Well, I have danced since I was four years old. Dance has been a part of my life and I love it and I actually majored in ballet in college and I got my degree from Skidmore College in dance. I’ve taught and I’ve choreographed, and I started a non-profit ballet company in upstate New York.

00:04:30 - Patricia Cross talks about diversity and how it has affected her views on life.

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Partial Transcript: Okay well, I mean up until I started Rejoice, I really did not have a lot of experience with diversity and I am eternally grateful that I have had that experience. It’s so important. I’m just amazed at the culture at Rejoice because it is very diverse it’s like 50/50 fifty percent white and fifty percent black or biracial or Hispanic or Asian and everybody comes together to dance you know and we’ve had very few racial issues.

00:09:02 - Patricia Cross talks about the challenges of leadership.

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Partial Transcript: So, when it comes to confrontation with parents, students or board members I just kind of I shrink. I don’t want to deal with it but I’ve learned that I absolutely have to. You can’t be a leader and not deal with confrontation and obstacles.

00:11:00 - Patricia Cross talks about her leadership style.

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Partial Transcript: Well leadership. First of all affirming our staff and allowing them to have their input and their opinion and to work together. My leadership style is not this is it and this is what we’re doing you know we talk about it, we work together.

00:17:12 - Patricia Cross explains how she delegates within the business of Rejoice.

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Partial Transcript: Definitely yea and I’ve learned to do that and it’s been a joy because I’ve found that some of the stuff I don’t have the skills or I don’t want to do there’s other people in our organization that do have those skills and they love doing it.

00:20:15 - Patricia Cross talks about her failures and how she overcame them.

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Partial Transcript: I mean we’ve basically been pretty successful. We have had some failures. I had a failure with a board, and it was pretty devastating. But I learned I had to go on. I couldn’t allow them to interfere with what we were doing and so I learned to be strong and reach out to other people.

00:23:55 - Patricia Cross talks about relationship building.

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Partial Transcript: Well I think one of the main things is listening to others. I don’t know everything, and other people don’t know everything and realizing that we are a team. I can share my knowledge and they can share their knowledge and we can come together and figure out what’s the best option for the school.

00:25:10 - Patricia Cross describes what she wants her legacy to be.

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Partial Transcript: I’m hoping that Rejoice will continue after I leave that would be just wonderful. So maybe when you say what do I wish my legacy to be I guess I would like my legacy to be creating a school that is inclusive and loving and kind and where everybody is welcome.