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Interview of Debby Gould, October 15, 2021

Interview of Debby Gould, October 15, 2021

Belmont University Leadership Studies Collection


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00:00:49 - Debby's Background

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "My name is Debby Gould and I am currently the president of the League of Women Voters of Tennessee."

Segment Synopsis: In this section, Debby talks about her professional background and her current career.

Keywords: Tennessee; Women Voters

00:02:20 - What inspired Debby to get involved in leadership

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "... to realize how easy it is for people who feel powerless to not realize the power of their voice."

Segment Synopsis: In this section, Debby goes on to explain what inspired and continues to inspire her to be a leader.

Keywords: Leadership; Women's Voices

00:06:06 - Debby explains the obstacles and challenges she has faced as a leader

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "...a real obstacle for a lot of people as to women who have a right, I mean in terms of both culture appropriation but also just in terms of whether someone is going to listen to you."

Segment Synopsis: In this section, Debby looks back on any challenges she has faced becoming a leader, and even a common obstacle that many leaders face today, not feeling qualified.

Keywords: Challenges; Leadership; Obstacles

00:07:59 - Projects and work within League of Women Voters

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "We also spend a lot of time, in terms of state advocacy work around legislative issues, both building grass roots knowledge about issues so they can reach out to legislators..."

Segment Synopsis: Debby discusses about what the League of Women Voters is currently doing and what she has done with the LWV during her time as president.

Keywords: Advocacy Work; League of Women Voters; Legislation; Nashville; Tennessee; Voting

00:09:00 - Debby's Personal Achievements

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "...the personal awards are way less important..."

Segment Synopsis: Debby looks back on her own achievements that have contributed to her leadership today.

Keywords: Achievements; Awards; Public Axis Tevelvison Board

00:10:25 - Strengths and Weaknesses

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "I know how to bring diverse groups together. I am a very straightforward communicator. I do not avoid conflict..."

Segment Synopsis: In this section, Debby reflects on her own strengths and weaknesses that have contributed to her becoming a successful leader.

Keywords: Leadership; Strengths; Weaknesses

00:11:24 - Must-have qualities of a leader from Debby's Point of View

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "I think you actually need to like people, and I do not mean that as a throwaway. I mean I think you actually have to understand people’s motives and emphasize with them..."

Segment Synopsis: In this section, Debby discusses on what qualities a leader must have to truly be a leader.

Keywords: Becoming A Leader; Communicating; Leadership

00:12:14 - Debby's Leadership Style

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "I would say I am a collaborative leader..."

Segment Synopsis: Debby reflects on what kind of leadership style she falls into.

Keywords: Leadership

00:12:48 - What Leadership Means to Debby

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "...leadership means creating a path forward."

Keywords: Leadership

00:13:15 - How Debby Measures Success and How She Learns From Failure

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "Oh, there is no such thing as failure. It is just things that did not work one time."

Segment Synopsis: Debby recounts how she defines success and failure.

Keywords: Failure; Leadership; Success

00:14:42 - Debby's Advice for Building Relationships and Trust as a Leader

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "...you have to share as much information as you can. You have to share processes as much as you can."

Segment Synopsis: In this section, Debby shares advice with listeners about what they can do to build relationships and trust as a leader in organizations.

Keywords: Agreement; Building Relationships; Leadership; Trust

00:16:21 - Debby's Greatest Influence

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "... she understood you build your successes on a groundwork. And that is how you build, I mean that is how she created the whole women’s rights issues."

Segment Synopsis: Debby ponders and discusses her greatest influence that contributed to her leadership.

Keywords: Leadership; Ruth Ginsberg; Women's Issues; Women's Rights

00:18:09 - Debby's Legacy

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "...I also hope that part of my legacy is helping people understand that sometimes to move forward, you discard things that did not work in the past..."

Segment Synopsis: In this section, Debby discusses what she would like to believe behind and what she wants people to remember her for.

Keywords: Equality; Legacy; Mens Rights; Womens Rights

00:19:39 - What You Must to be a Successful Leader

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "I think you have to give people the tools on how to express themselves well. And to have both the tools and the opportunity."

Segment Synopsis: Debby gives listeners action steps and things they must do in order to be a successful leader.

Keywords: Leadership; Leadership Qualities; League of Women Voters; Success

00:20:38 - Advice for "Unqualified" Leaders

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "... you should never assume that a leader is born overnight. That is a really rarity."

Segment Synopsis: Debby gives listeners advice on what they should do if they want to be a leader but do not feel qualified to be one.

Keywords: Confidence; Leadership

00:21:44 - How You Can Delegate

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "... you delegate to take advantage of people’s strengths and we all know we have different strengths."

Segment Synopsis: Before the end of the interview, Debby gives tips on what you can do to delegate.

Keywords: Leadership; Strengths