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Interview of Morgan Wills, October 15, 2021

Interview of Morgan Wills, October 15, 2021

Belmont University Leadership Studies Collection


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00:01:17 - Background in Healthcare

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Wills discusses how his background in healthcare prepared him to be in the position he is in now as a president and CEO.

Subjects: CEO; background; healthcare; leadership

00:02:12 - Time in West Africa

Play segment

Partial Transcript: The time he lived from a backpack in West Africa changed the trajectory of his life because it opened the door to the medical field and the need for healthcare in underserved communities.

Keywords: africa; backpacking; underserved

00:03:43 - Vaccination Clinic during Summers

Play segment

Partial Transcript: During his time in medical school, he was able to spend four summers doing a vaccination for a primarily Puerto-Rican neighborhood and learned that the things he learned in Africa could be used in the United States.

Keywords: Puerto-rican; medical school; vaccination

00:07:24 - Becoming a CEO

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Wills discusses his journey to becoming a CEO, and how he did not seek out the position at all. Ironically, he gave the board reasons he believed he should not have the position, yet he assumed the position anyway.

Keywords: CEO; leadership

00:11:32 - Healthcare Models: Free or Sliding Scale

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Wills talks about the beginnings of Siloam Health and how the payment methods have changed over the years to provide extremely affordable healthcare for underserved communities.

Keywords: affordable; clinic; sliding scale

00:15:28 - Professional Strengths and Weaknesses

Play segment

Partial Transcript: He discusses how his role as a practicing physician has helped his role as CEO because he is able to see how boardroom decisions affect actual patients. On the other hand, he needs a board or team to help him be consistent in finishing initiatives and following through.

Keywords: patients; physician; strengths; weaknesses

00:18:32 - Mission Statement at Siloam

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Wills talks about the mission statement at Siloam, and how their primary goal is to show the love of Christ to each patient and serving others.

Keywords: Christ; mission; patients

00:22:55 - Philosophy of Care

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Wills talks about the importance of getting to know the people you are working with, and how building relationships in and out of the workplace creates a better work environment and a better team atmosphere.

Keywords: relationships; teamwork; workplace

00:25:35 - Legacy as a Leader

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Wills sums up what he wants his legacy to be with John 3:30- "He must become greater, I must become less."

00:27:14 - Diversity and Culture at Siloam

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Wills talks about how the people are easily his favorite part of the job and he is able to work alongside people from around the globe.

Keywords: culture; diversity