
PD_The J. Paul Getty Museum

1) URL:

2) Terms and Conditions:

3) Collection Summary: The J. Paul Getty Museum collects, presents, conserves, and interprets great works of art. This includes: antiquities, drawings, manuscripts, paintings, photographs, sculpture, and decorative arts. In addition to their online collection the Getty also hosts rotating exhibits, educational programs for a variety of ages and special topics, maintains a research and conservation department, fifteen published books (some available full-text online), public programs (artist talks, performances, films, and tours). The Getty operates under what is called an “Open Content Program.” As stated on their site: The Getty makes available, without charge, all available digital images (for download) to which the Getty holds the rights or that are in the public domain to be used for any purpose. No permission is required.

4) Images are not labeled CC or PD but under their Open Content Policy it explains that they offer works in the PD.

5) Example: PD_Sunrise (Marine) by Claude Monet,0.4099,0.68

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